
Hello! My name is Emma Margaret Simpson and I am a third year illustration student studying at Southampton Solent University. Welcome to my blog documenting my Final Major Project. Here I'll be sharing my processes, thoughts and ideas with you as the project develops.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Research and Planning

Today I've spent quite a bit of time planning my book and figuring out what will be happening on each page, as well as deciding on how many pages to have, and what other elements to include in the imagery.

First up I created small storyboards for each of the six fairy tales. For the first two (Hansel & Gretel, and Red Riding Hood) I initially broke the story down into 8 points as I did earlier on in the project, but I preferred the pacing in the 12-point versions so thats what I've decided to go with and have planned that out for the other 4 stories as well.

Using these storyboards I then made a plan for everything that will be happening on each double-page spread (pictured below). I've made a not of what every character will be doing at every point in the story, so that I can now start to look at what aspects of the scenery will be needed on each page to help me design the layout of the "fairy-tale world".

I also made a few notes on some other elements that I'd like to include in the imagery, such as heart and key shapes in the pattern of a tree trunk (or perhaps even carved into a tree), apple trees and birds (recurring themes throughout all fairytales), and objects in groups of 3 and 7 (recurring numbers in fairytales, I've made notes on this earlier in the project).

Now that I have all the plot points worked out I will be using that information to finish designing the fairy tale world and its layout. I'll be starting to sketch out some rough layouts tomorrow and hope to have one finalised by the weekend.