
Hello! My name is Emma Margaret Simpson and I am a third year illustration student studying at Southampton Solent University. Welcome to my blog documenting my Final Major Project. Here I'll be sharing my processes, thoughts and ideas with you as the project develops.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Zoo Sketches & Photos

On sunday I took the train up to London to visit the zoo and draw some of the animals. Despite it being absolutely freezing, and raining on and off, I think it went quite well and I got some useful drawings. I didn't manage to draw quite as much as I had hoped, and I took far less photos than I normally would as I was spending the time drawing instead. But the drawings I did get should be quite helpful to me, and I have plenty of photos from pervious trips that I can use as reference.

Sketches from London Zoo: Lion, reindeer, giraffe, gorilla.
Sketches from London Zoo.

These drawings should help me when I develop my work, as I have been able to capture the animals in many more positions and movements than I would have been able to just looking at images online. I also made a few quick sketches of the markings on some of the animals to help me later on in the project.

There are a few animals that I didn't manage to draw either because they weren't visible or they don't have them at the zoo, I'll be spending a while this week doing some quick sketches from photos I took at previous trips to zoos (I will give my self 30-60 seconds per image to try and get the same effect that I did when drawing them from life) as well as from a few short videos that my boyfriend took whilst we were there. 

Here are some of the photos (all taken by me on previous trips) that I'll be using: