
Hello! My name is Emma Margaret Simpson and I am a third year illustration student studying at Southampton Solent University. Welcome to my blog documenting my Final Major Project. Here I'll be sharing my processes, thoughts and ideas with you as the project develops.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Designing Snow White

My main priority this week is to get on with the character and costume designs and to start to create some work with a bit more context.
I made a start yesterday on designing Snow White:

I traced the faces from my illustrations from earlier in the project, and started designing the rest of the character and the costume. I've been trying to draw the character in positions I might need for the story, to give the illustrations more context. I'm quite pleased with how this is going so far and I think once the costumes are added the characters are recognisable enough to work.

Yesterday evening I had a little play around with some of these drawings and tried adding some colour just to see how that would work, and these are some of the results:

At the moment I am more keen on the style of colouring in the image to the right, but when it comes to putting everything together later in the project, this style may involve too many colours. I think the image on the left is also quite successful as the limited colour allows me to focus on certain important symbols in the image such as the apple.

I am going to continue for the rest of the week designing the other characters and their costumes.