Over the weekend I spent some time doing some initial drawings in response to the theme of "fairytales". These illustrations are very unlikely to be used later in the project, they are just a starting point to keep me motivated and to get me drawing. They are all done with fine-liners and coloured pens in an A4 sketchbook.
Looking back at these I can see some clear connections to fairytales such as Snow White, Little Red Cap and Rapunzel although this wasn't the intention when drawing them. I am particularly pleased with the way the typography piece turned out, and will possibly use a similar style later in the project, perhaps for a book cover. I am also quite keen on the image of the wolf in the forest and am very likely to use this style in the rest of my work; its the same style that I normally work in however with slightly less pattern detailing, which I think will work well for busier, fuller images.
Later this week I will be beginning to design some of the characters, and I am aiming to try and use a brush and ink for the drawings to try and get a more varied line thickness (whilst still sticking to this style).
Yesterday a parcel containing the book I ordered, The Annotated Brother's Grimm, arrived and it looks like its going to be really useful. There are some great illustrations in it, and each story begins with an explanation, and there are annotations throughout. I'll be using the book throughout the project to make sure I am sticking to the story lines and also to look for extra symbolism and imagery within the text.