
Hello! My name is Emma Margaret Simpson and I am a third year illustration student studying at Southampton Solent University. Welcome to my blog documenting my Final Major Project. Here I'll be sharing my processes, thoughts and ideas with you as the project develops.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

More animal drawings

This week I've been continuing to illustrate some of the animals from my earlier sketches, focusing on the ones that I'll be using as the characters. I'm really enjoying using a brush and ink (I'm using Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay inks and mixing in a bit of the opaque white to make the colour more solid) and the different marks I am getting from this technique. Some of these drawings have been done with fine-liners and marker pens, but I think the more successful ones are those done with ink (generally the larger images are the ones done in ink).

I still have quite a lot of animals to draw before I move on to designing the costumes, so I'll be continuing with this today and tomorrow.