This morning I have finalised which pieces of work will be going in my portfolio, in which order and what sizes they will be.
Here's a little plan I put together of how the pages will be laid out:
The majority of the work in my portfolio is from the current project as its the stuff I am most pleased with. However I have tried to use a variety of the work from that project such as full double-pages spreads, character designs, a close-up scene, a piece of typography etc. so thats its not repetitive.
I've also used my best pieces of work from the Negotiated study project earlier this year, and the sequential narrative project in year 2, as well as some book cover designs and animal sketches produced as personal work.
I have a total of 17 images for my portfolio at the moment, which is a few less than the optimum 20, but I hope to have new work to add in over the next couple of months.