Yesterday I finished colouring in and adding texture to page one of the book (although I'm still deciding between two options with the textures).
This is the image after I had coloured in all of the buildings, trees and characters:
I then added a pale yellow to the grass to make it different to the sky, and edited the line so that its a dark brown rather than solid black:
I much prefer it with the brown line as I think it brightens the whole image up a bit, the black is little too overbearing on the rest of the image.
I then added some texture to a few areas of the image, particularly in the trees and parts of the building (its not very clear in this low-res version of the image, but when the image is at full size the textures are much more visible):
I've also tried adding texture to the entire image including the lines to see how that looked:
The comparison between these two is a little clearer in the close-up below:
(Partial texture on the left, full texture on the right. Again they are more visible in the full res versions)
I'm not sure at the moment which of these styles I prefer, so I'll be trying them both out on some of the other pages and also getting some advice on this at my Work in Progress meeting this morning.
Next I'll be starting to work on the final page of the book, as that image will be the one I use for the course catalog ("Hulabaloo") so I need to get it done more urgently than the other pages.