
Hello! My name is Emma Margaret Simpson and I am a third year illustration student studying at Southampton Solent University. Welcome to my blog documenting my Final Major Project. Here I'll be sharing my processes, thoughts and ideas with you as the project develops.

Monday, 27 January 2014

About this blog

Welcome to my blog documenting my Final Major Project on the Illustration course at Southampton Solent University. I will be sharing the highs, the lows, my processes and thoughts as well as inspirations and outcomes with you.

Each week I will be reflecting on my progress, as well as discussing any workshops or guest lectures that I have attended, both in detail and in brief summary. I will be sharing plenty of images here of both my own work and the work of others that inspire me. Throughout the project I will be referring back to posts from this blog and using my own evaluations to help me produce work to the best of my ability.

I have chosen to produce this document in the form of a blog in order to share my progress with anyone who wants to read it. Writing in this way also makes it quite easy for me to refer back to earlier entries and reflect, whereas writing in an unorganised notebook would be much harder to navigate later on.

So here goes...